Bitcoin News

Bitcoin Group SE acquires a 100% of the Tremmel investment bank for cryptos expansion and ATMs

Bitcoin Group SE Acquires

Bitcoin Group SE has received a cent percent stake in Tremmel Wertpapierhandelsbank GmbH, an investment bank.

German is holding company Bitcoin Group SE. It is in Herford in Germany. It operates the country’s regulated crypto exchange. It is only regulated exchange Bitcoin Deutschland AG which is mainly referred to by its domain name called focuses on the trading of the securities. Upon purchasing of the banking sector, the crypto exchange is holding will in turn to get the use of the license of the Tremmel investment bank.

This banking license can allow the holding its crypto related offerings “significantly expand” and can even operate ATMs for the cryptocurrency exchanges in the country, Germany. And it can be able to issue its own currency company’s products to carry out the proprietary trading system.

Rainer Bergmann is the Tremmel’s managing director. He will be responsible for the bank and also the expansion it into the custodian bank with the company Bitcoin Group SE.

The purchase rate for the Tremmel investment bank is in the lower seven digit range in Euros. It is regarding the releasing of the press notes which is set to be finished in the half of next year (2019), only the regulatory approval is pending which is relevant to the crypto exchange.

Germany saw the foundation of the first Bitcoin currency exchange ATM at the end of October. It is set up in a Gambling hall in Munich.

GoverMedia Plus is the Canadian trading firm. It is to get EXMO which is the UK based cryptocurrency exchange. Almost both the parties agreed and had been legally signed an LOI, letter of Intent, which can publicly trade.

John Gage
the authorJohn Gage
John Gage joined CoinNewsPulse as a subeditor and analyst, with five years of experience as a technical analyst across cryptocurrencies and exchanges. He has keen interest in economic research and latest crypto based solutions for seamless trading experience. He loves to curate pieces of technical analysis, reviews on leading cryptocurrencies and various exchanges.

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